H φυσική του δρόμου (ή είναι τρελοί αυτοί οι φυσικοί)
«The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, what is the Question?»

Ο Leon Lederman είναι γνωστός στο ευρύ κοινό από το βιβλίο που έγραψε μαζί με τον Dick Teresi το 1993, «The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, what is the Question?» (Το σωματίδιο τού Θεού: Αν το σύμπαν είναι η απάντηση, ποια είναι η ερώτηση;).
Υπενθυμίζουμε για άλλη μια φορά -γιατί πολύς ντόρος γίνεται σχετικά με την φράση «σωματίδιο του Θεού» - ότι ο εκδότης του βιβλίου ήθελε να αποφύγει την αρχική ονομασία του Higgs ως «καταραμένο σωματίδιο» (goddamn particle) και κράτησε μόνο το πρώτο συνθετικό τής λέξης, God. Έτσι το μποζόνιο Higgs από «goddamn particle» έγινε «God particle».
Video 1: ScienCentral takes science to the people... literally, with its first installment of "Street Corner Science": a radical yet simple concept in which a film crew and a renowned scientist are plunked down on a busy city street corner, and an impromptu question/answer session with the public ensues. www.sciencentral.com/video Pedestrians are given the chance to sit down with a world-class scientist and ask him/her any question they like about science, life, the universe, or anything else on their minds. In this episode, Nobel-Prize-winning Physicist Dr. Leon Lederman graciously answers a varied and surprisingly astute array of questions from some lucky passersby. This video is part 1 of 2 "Street corner Science with Dr. Lederman", so be sure to check back with ScienCentral for more.
Video 2: Part 2 of 2. ScienCentral is taking science to the people in its latest installment of "Street Corner Science", in which a film crew and a renowned scientist are plunked down on a busy city street corner, and an impromptu Q&A session with the public ensues! scinecentral science videos http://www.sciencentral.com/video/
Video 1: ScienCentral takes science to the people... literally, with its first installment of "Street Corner Science": a radical yet simple concept in which a film crew and a renowned scientist are plunked down on a busy city street corner, and an impromptu question/answer session with the public ensues. www.sciencentral.com/video Pedestrians are given the chance to sit down with a world-class scientist and ask him/her any question they like about science, life, the universe, or anything else on their minds. In this episode, Nobel-Prize-winning Physicist Dr. Leon Lederman graciously answers a varied and surprisingly astute array of questions from some lucky passersby. This video is part 1 of 2 "Street corner Science with Dr. Lederman", so be sure to check back with ScienCentral for more.
Video 2: Part 2 of 2. ScienCentral is taking science to the people in its latest installment of "Street Corner Science", in which a film crew and a renowned scientist are plunked down on a busy city street corner, and an impromptu Q&A session with the public ensues! scinecentral science videos http://www.sciencentral.com/video/
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